Incident Management

Serene Safety offers a complete incident management solution, including incident investigation and future company cost analyse for all incidents. One of the most important parts of a successful business is having simple but solid processes and procedures that are embedded into the workplace culture. Part of this “culture” is finding the best practice, and implementing it as a process. This is done by monitoring and learning from mistakes.

What is Incident Management?

Incident Management is a process used to investigate, identify, document, and report workplace incidents, with a mandate to improve processes to prevent reoccurrance.

Incident Management is not just about checking boxes. It’s about understanding why each incident happened, identifying how each incident could have been prevented, and putting processes in place to pre-empt it from happening again. Learning from incidents increases productivity, reduces unnecessary expenses, and reduces accidents.

Why is it important?

Incident Management plays an important role in reducing accidents and injuries, as well as improving productivity. It’s a learning opportunity to understand how improve business processes. Incidents are “experiences” and to gain experience you need to make improvements.

If your business is in box checking mode, then you’re missing an opportunity to vastly improve your business.

Outsourcing Incident Management is cheaper is cheaper than a major incident.

Why outsource it to Serene Safety?

Expert Incident Investigation

There’s a skill and a process for effective incident investigation and management. Unless your staff are specifically trained, it’s very hard to get progress and improvement from incident management.


It’s unlikely that your staff are trained in incident investigation. Why pay your staff to do something that they have little experience in? Not only will the investigation be lacking in accuracy, there’s an opportunity cost of taking them away from what you pay them for. Pay your staff to do what they’re good at, and pay an incident management expert to do what they’re good at.


With accredited lead ICAM investigator staff we can offer 24/7 incident management for all industries 

Cost Effective

Outsourcing Incident Management is cheaper is cheaper than a major incident. Major incidents incur a financial cost and likely a human cost. Additionally, having an incident management process improves productivity.

Improve Culture

Having company processes creates efficiency and puts your staff all on the same page. Incident management often results in new processes being implemented. Having a uniform methodology reduces stress brought about by staff using different processes.

Fine tune your business

The absolute key to incident management is improvement – less accidents, less injuries, better processes, improved productivity.  If your business is in box checking mode, then you’re missing an opportunity to vastly improve your business.

Talk to us

We provide options around incident management. We can run an incident investigation for you, or we can manage your entire incident management process. We can also create your Incident Management System, and if needed, train your staff how to investigate and manage. If you’re looking to set up and incident management process, or need a specific incident investigated, then talk to us. We have accredited consultants ready to talk to you.